Like All Good Liberals, Age Makes Mondale Regret His HypocrisyYou remember Mondale ... he ran against Reagan, then 73, in 1984. His biggest campaign issue was Reagan's age ... it was a cheap shot to be sure ... it's not like Mondale had the economy to fall back on, since he had been VP in the worst economic debacle in American history ... or foreign policy to fall back on, since he had been VP during the biggest American foreign policy debacle in US history ... so Mondale had to campaign against Reagan's age. Naturally, now that Mondale is running for the Senate, someone asked the 74 year old how he felt about the remarks. He immediately said that he was ``sorry'' for having raised the issue in 1984 and pointed out that he had apologized to Reagan's family the day after the comment. Note that he did not issue that apology to the American public or any newspapers. |
Days After Michael Moore Releases His Movie Telling Us How Superior Canada Is, A Canadian Office Worker Kills Two With A GunI guess that's all there is to say about that. Canada really is a great place to live ... Article Here |
CA Congressman Wants To Put Child Safety Warning -- On CandyCongressman Mike Honda can point to six deaths related to candy ... a number he feels is too high. I managed to survive childhood quite nicely without warning labels on candy and it seems a shame to send parents into a panic because of a few dumb kids. The Congressman's bill, if passed, would be a death sentence for some candy manufacturers ... and it would lead to others spending money on lobbyists to keep the labels off their goods. Oh wait, Honda is a democrat ... of course that is the plan. Tax dollars to create a regulatory agency examining all of the candy and lobbyists giving him money to keep their names off the list. Next he can propose dropping the speed limit to 5 MPH because the tens of thousands of deaths per year are 'too many.' Article Here |
FIFA Wants Europe-Wide Quotas On Soccer PlayersThey don't like that soccer players in third world countries who are talented will come to Europe and work for less money than domestic players. Well, no kidding ... but quotas on sports athletes? England, for example, already has a strict quota, but Spain has none ... they simply want the best players. Sports is one of the few areas where merit is the only criteria so it's a shame that the European mentality will encroach even further on that. Article Here |
Surprise -- Anti-Gun Author Made It UpEmory University has accepted the resignation of Michael Bellesiles, author of "Arming America: The Origins of a National Gun Culture" because allegations of research misconduct against him turned out to be valid in their investigation. Article Here |
EU Relieved They Don't Have To Make The Irish Vote AgainEU officials were relieved that the Irish did what they wanted with a 63% 'yes' vote on EU expansion over the weekend. This is the same thing they voted 'no' to 18 months ago. The Irish understand something that the larger EU countries do not. You see, the Irish have always been treated the way these new countries will be treated. They recognize that adding tens of thousands of pages of regulations to fragile post-Soviet economies is a bad thing ... they understand that none of those new countries is going to gain anything near what the established large countries have already gained. It's the European politics of fiefdom all over again. Worse, the EU has tried to make some countries choose between NATO and the EU. If you were a small country and you saw how the EU responds to threats, who would you choose? The Irish vote is a blow to independence for them ... but the EU had made no secret of two things; they would keep voting until they got the answer they wanted or the EU would simply come up with a plan that did not require an Irish vote. Article Here |
UN Says UN Investigation of Sexual Abuse By UN Employees Finds None Of The Evidence The Independent Commission Hired By The UN FoundSo there you have it. A middle east dictator couldn't have been more comprehensive. You see, the UN now says the findings are useless because the claims are baseless. That's right, it's not your eyes ... they said the proof does not exist because the charges had no foundation. Huh? Sex for food charges seemed to have been confirmed in an investigation by independent consultants appointed jointly by the UN's own refugee agency and the British-based charity Save the Children. UN spokesman, Dileep Nair, chided those involved in the original investigation. "The consultants' allegations of widespread sexual exploitation by UN aid workers and peacekeepers cannot be substantiated," he said. "Indeed, we feel the consultants' report unfairly tarnished the reputation and credibility of a large majority of UN aid workers and peacekeepers who are out there in the field." Article Here |
Best Reason Not To Have Same Day Voter RegistrationRepublicans are too stupid to cheat. Here's an advert for a Democratic fund-raising group gathering money to send students INTO Minnesota ... because they have same-day registration. Better yet, because they're gathering students and saying this is issue based voter registration, the contributions they gather are a tax wrote-off, they claim. They'll even give the students they send into Minnesota housing, transportation and expenses. Sure, the Dems will say they're sending students into MN to get registrations of local students ... yeah ... they don't have students in MN already that can do that. Article Here |
Wiccan Wants To Be Recognized As Clergy For Government MeetingsA Wiccan priestess wants the Board of Supervisors of Chesterfield County, Va., to add her name to the list of clergy members who say prayers before board meetings. "I am a witch and I am fine with that," said Cyndi Simpson, a member of Reclaiming Tradition of Wicca. "I have something good to share, and I think they should let me." In return, Chesterfield County would like to have a non-Wiccan allowed to do invocations for the meetings Ms. Simpson currently presides over ... monthly forest High Councils with Squirrel The Mayor, Rabbit The Sheriff and her 87 cats. Article Here |
Students Have Enough As PETA Protests MilkPOLICE had to break up an animal rights protest yesterday when schoolchildren in Aberdeen pelted activists with cartons of milk. Sean Gifford of PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) and an unidentified man in a cow-suit had planned a peaceful protest at the gates of the Grammar School to let pupils know about the claimed hazards in milk. But they had to be rescued by two female police officers when the teenage pupils launched a violent protest of their own. About 100 children, shouting "milk for the masses" and carrying banners, surrounded Mr Gifford and his "cow" partner and drenched them both in milk for about ten minutes. The police eventually intervened and escorted the PETA members back to their car. Article Here |
Yayyyy for Roe V Wade!Ahhhh, for those bygone days of judicial activism ... when we are all told if the SC didn't tell society what to think, rape victims would be having abortions in back alleys and dying. But what has really been the result? Abortion as birth control ... as most knew it would. This example is a 16 year old girl in Europe who has two children and has had three abortions in the last two years. And, if you believe her, five miscarriages ... though she's seen so many abortions by now it's possible she can do it to herself. Article Here |
Finland Doesn't Disclose Name of Suicide BomberUp to 80 people were injured in Friday's blast at the three-storey Myyrmanni Shopping Mall in Vantaa. Police official Tero Haapala said the bomber was from Helsinki and was under the age of 20. He declined to give the man's name, but said he had no previous criminal record. Now that is very strange. 'From Helsinki' doesn't mean a lot ... under 20 is not under 18, so why not disclose his name ... unless his name would tell us some compelling things about him or his motives. It needs to be considered that the Finns are worried about a terrorism problem of their own and don't want their own population calling for intervention if attacks are happening in their cities. If it's another case of Europe sticking their heads in the sand they need to look at their own history to see why that's the worst place to hide. Article Here |
Woman Surprised To Find Fetus In A Jar After AbortionApparently she assumed the little dead tyke went straight to heaven. Nicola McManus made the horrific discovery when she was left in a room to answer a phone call from her husband. The jar was labelled with her name. She said: "I fell apart. I couldn't believe anyone could be careless enough just to leave it lying there. That image will live with me forever." So let me get this correct: The hospital was careless for putting the fetus in a jar with your name on it ... but you get pregnant HOW??? And 'that image will live with me forever?' So the death of an unborn child, no problem for you and your husband ... but having to actually see the dead child is what upsets you? This is progress? Article Here |
Some Thoughts On SportsHow exciting will a St. Louis World Series be? I think all fans are a little tired of the Yankees and the Braves. Unfortunately Steinbrenner and the player's union will use this as contention that money doesn't buy success ... but the Yankees still got to the playoffs, and the facts that they could buy a bloated Raul Mondesi contract to do it says that the system is wildly unbalanced. Oakland and St. Louis would be a great match-up Speaking of which, Oakland's football team really put the spurs to Buffalo today. Will the Steelers make any dramatic changes now that they're 1-3? I don't think benching Kordell was a big change, I think he should have been cut long ago, his nebulous 2001 team MVP status notwithstanding. He's a great athlete, a good football player ... he's just not a quarterback, no matter what he thinks. His pride won't let him go back to his old Slash role and his attitude will poison the Steelers locker room. I know he's secretly happy they lost today and that's always a bad sign. Sunderland does not even play like they should be in the English Premier League. Watching them get handled by Arsenal today was like watching men playing boys. I've always thought Claudio Reyna was overrated, his status as captain of team USA notwithstanding. Landon Donovan is the best player on the US team and if he has leadership skills to go with it he'll soon get the armband. |
Babs Invested In Haliburton!You know, the company Dick Cheney was at ... you remember Barbra Streisand, she of the $500/person Democrat fundraiser and mis-spelled tirade last week ... when she warned Democrats not to ignore "the obvious influence on the Bush Administration of such special interests as the oil industry, the chemical companies, the logging industry, the defense contractors" and others. "Many of these industries, run by big Republican donors and insiders, clearly have much to gain if we go to war against Iraq," Streisand noted. Well, she had no problem making money on a big oil company while Dick Cheney was still CEO. Want to see Babs' foundation tax return for yourself? Barbra Streisand Foundation Tax Return |
NJ Democrats: Florida Re-dux?Let me see if I understand this. Once again Democrats are going to court to try and overturn election rules they don't like? In this case Senator Robert Torricelli is abandoning his campaign with 35 days to go, well short of the 51 needed by law unless the candidate dies. Democrats argue that they should not be bound by the deadline. County clerks have "ample opportunity" to replace Torricelli's name, and if his name is not withdrawn, voters will be confused, they contend. Gov. James E. McGreevey said Tuesday that placing a new candidate on the ballot would be a fair way to resolve the issue. "This would give New Jersey voters a chance to speak," McGreevey said. Funny, voters are allowed to 'speak' as long as they are saying something you want to hear. A weak Democrat challenger in a Democrat-run state with a narrow majority in the Senate means voters can 'speak' ... yet Bush 'stole' the election because voters spoke in Florida. No one ever mentions that Gore would have won the election if Bush had not 'stolen' Gore's home state of Tennessee. Article Here |
US Quietly Wins Against ICCThe European Union agreed yesterday to allow its members to sign bilateral accords with the United States exempting Americans on their territory from prosecution by the new International Criminal Court. I know, I know, you're thinking this is a WORLD court, not an EU court. Spare me ... this is Europe's baby. I can't understand why some in America have such a need to be part of something different that they endorsed this thing ... if Europe knew better than the US it wouldn't be in such a shambles. This was a bad idea, flawed from the outset. If it gets implemented as badly as the UN has been, it could be a disaster for American relations. Article Here |
"Bumfights" Producers Arrested In San DiegoI haven't actually seen this thing since the video costs $20 and I imagine I could actually feel my IQ drop while watching it. Las Vegas residents Zachary Bubeck, 24, and Ryan Edward McPherson, 19, persuaded street people to fight for the camera in exchange for cash payments, food, liquor and hotel rooms but warned the participants not to tell authorities about the remuneration. Anyway, what's the harm here? Do these fights have to be sanctioned by the CA state sports commission? Sure, there is going to be some mewing about 'exploitation' but there always is ... is it worse to have them begging on the streets, harassing pedestrians or attacking each other? Article Here |