Discovery Before Columbus?The University of Arizona, the U.S. Department of Energy?s Brookhaven National Laboratory, and the Smithsonian Institution claim they have used carbon-dating technology to determine the age of a controversial parchment that might be the first-ever map of North America. Their estimation? 1434 AD. ?Many scholars have agreed that if the Vinland Map is authentic, it is the first known cartographic representation of North America, and its date would be key in establishing the history of European knowledge of the lands bordering the western Atlantic Ocean,? said chemist Garman Harbottle, the lead Brookhaven researcher on the project. If it is, in fact, a forgery, then the forger was surely one of the most skillful criminals ever to pursue that line of work." Article Here |
The Only Reason I Mention This 'Hillary Goes On The Attack' Article?The third paragraph: "Addressing the Democratic Leadership Council, AN ORGANIZATION PROMOTING CENTRIST POLICIES AND POLITICIANS, Clinton (D-N.Y.) cited upbeat statistics from the 1990s, ranging from the creation of 42 million jobs to 7 million people leaving poverty to the elimination of the federal budget deficit." Uhhhh yeah ... Hillary is a centrist. Thanks for your unbiased look at the news, guys ... Article Here |
Strange Flying Object Pursued by F-16sIt disappears from radar after fighter planes scramble ... but it's nothing out of the ordinary, says NORAD. Article Here |
Dutch Queen Gets Farm SubsidyTo everyone who thinks America should be more like Europe ... when even the Queen of a country can get subsidized for a farm she owns in another country, paid for by the working class, you have a problem. Article Here |
USA Today Data Mining Shows That Most Abuse Victims In The Church Are MaleHow much do you think they spent on that study? They don't actually come right out and say it's a homosexual issue ... they say things like "Priests have easier access to boys" ( which makes no sense ) and that some adult women have been 'abused' by priests. Whatever ... as if those isolated exceptions somehow invalidate the overwhelming evidence of homosexuality. Some of the stories cite teenage girls 'seducing' priests and blaming the priest for the abuse. The evidence they never point out? 85% of the victims are males. That's a homosexuality issue, folks ... Article Here |
Finally, "Aliens Vs. Predator"They say Paul Anderson is scheduled to direct. Believe it when you see it, but at least there's some progress ... Article Here |
More Belgian InterferenceThe article starts off with "Never trust a person with a Belgian passport." From a fellow European, those words could never be more true. Not content with attempting to gerrymander 'international law' so that Belgian courts could try anyone, anywhere for anything, even if it the 'crime' did not involve Belgium or Belgians, they have now taken on Austria because they didn't like the person the Austrians elected. Not to mention that their internal identity struggle over Dutch and French nationals has led the French side to admit almost anyone, including plenty of people with ties to terrorist groups. The place is rife with extremists who got Beligan passports on the express path -- bribery, the Belgian Mafia, etc. Article Here |
ICC CompromiseA one year exemption from ICC prosecution for countries that haven't ratified the ICC, renewable every year. The hard-liners against it wanted a bold stand getting us out of that and the UN ... and to some extent I agree. Wackos in the EU were salivating at the prospect of a bully pulpit to go after Americans, no matter how vehemently moderates in the EU deny it. The furor that American 'world culturalists' raised over this will likely die down by then so we can quietly get out of it. It certainly gives more time for healthy debate on the subject. Article Here |
Sesame Street to introduce HIV-positive MuppetNo, it's not Bert or Ernie either. It's Takalani Sesame, an upbeat female puppet debuting September in South Africa, where 1 in 9 people have the virus that can lead to AIDS. Don't even get me started. In order to look like some egalitarian, exculpatory epidemic instead of a problem people heap on themselves with drug use or unprotected sense, the CDC and its UN counterpart have stretched the 'HIV' definition out so far almost anyone can have it. Have anemia and want to be a pariah?? You can have claim HIV status ... Article Here |
In The Surest Sign of the Apocalypse, Candice Bergen Admits Dan Quayle Was RightOkay, he was wrong about some things, maybe a lot of things, but that was one time he was right. Ten years ago, then-Vice President Quayle criticized Bergen's "Murphy Brown" TV character for "mocking the importance of fathers by bearing a child alone and calling it just another `lifestyle choice.'" "I never have really said much about the whole episode, which was endless," Bergen said Tuesday. "But his speech was a perfectly intelligent speech about fathers not being dispensable and nobody agreed with that more than I did." Article Here |
Seven Million Year Old Skull FoundThe theory of evolution just gets messier. Any hope that there might be a 'missing link' showing a connection between man and ape is seemingly dashed by the skull's puzzling combination of modern and ancient features. Article Here |
Warner Bros. plans 'Superman vs. Batman' movieFinally. Now get to work on that 'Aliens Versus Predator' one as well. Article Here |
Vegan daughter not getting proper meals in jail, San Bernadino parents allegeWhatever. Perhaps if your daughter weren't a criminal this would not be a problem. If she hadn't kidnapped a 15-year old boy and had sex with him, for example. The parents say she has lost 35 pounds during her jail stay. Maybe she's just crazy. She's certainly crazy enough to have sex with a child. Naturally, PETA wants to challenge the dietary policy of the Las Vegas jail where she is held. I wonder if PETA is jumping up for the rights of male child molesters too. Article Here |
California Resident Muhammad Amin Salameh: "Osama Bin Laden is My Hero"Your hero would never live in the land of the infidels so you shouldn't either. You should join him under his mountain, I think. "Every Palestinian killed in one of the martyrdom operations is a hero; every Palestinian killed resisting the enemy [Israeli] forces is, in the eyes of some, a hero; all those who fought the Soviet forces in Afghanistan, Afghans and others, are heroes; all those who fight America these days in Afghanistan and in other places are also heroes in the eyes of some; all those who refused to submit to the dictates of the Americans and sacrifice their rule ? for example Mullah Muhammad Omar and the Taliban ? are heroes in the eyes of their people and their supporters. Anyone who rises up against American arrogance and tyranny and causes the Americans fear and trembling are also heroes, in the eyes of some." "Sheikh Osama bin Laden, who preferred Jihad and life in the mountains and caves to the pleasures of [this] transitory world? although he is a wealthy man, the son of wealthy men ? is one of our noble heroes whom history and generations to come will recognize as restoring honor to this [Islamic] nation. No one can monopolize history or distort the truth all the time. It is my right as an Arab and a Muslim to choose my hero, as the Americans choose theirs." "Therefore I say to them, in the loudest possible voice, that Osama bin Laden is my hero of this generation." Article Here |
Gore Vidal Still Hasn't Gotten Over GuatamelaWhy is it every time one of these wackos starts spouting off, United Fruit has to come into it? Yes, we all agree that wasn't America's finest hour. None of these people ever say, "Oh yeah, that Communist shouldn't have nationalized their land and their factories ... " In his latest senile ranting, he deftly avoids stating that America deserved 9/11 ... he simply says we haven't deserved some of the governments we've gotten over the last 40 years. He then alleges America intentionally does not teach geography to children so that we'll stay in the dark about how the government is pushing everyone around and making us hated. What he never mentions is that there are a lot of bad people in the world and that Europe certainly isn't going to protect anyone ... what he does say is that every government since after he was a young man ( surprise ) has been bad. That sounds to me like a bitter old man telling me how much better ballplayers were in his day. He claims to be Jeffersonian. I like this quote, where claims virtually everyone but him is either evil or stupid. "And the liberals, of course, are the slowest and the stupidest, because they do not understand their interests. The right wing are the bad guys, but they know what they want -- everybody else's money. And they know they don't like blacks and they don't like minorities. And they like to screw everyone along the way." Article Here |
AIDS Group Denies First Amendment Rights To Speaker"He was going to tell lies and we shut him down," said Milano Mark of New York City from the activist group ActUp/New York. Well, in America "Milano", people get to speak even if you don't like what they are saying ... oops, you're on the left wing, so you do get to tell people what they can say. Still, since it's U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Tommy Thompson at the 14th International AIDS Conference, you might save your bleating until after he finishes. The signs read: "Wanted Bush and Thompson for Murder and Neglect of PWAs (people with AIDS)" and "Where is the $10 billion?" The latter was a reference to the $10 billion per year price tag health agencies have suggested is necessary to treat all people with AIDS in the world. The U.S. government's current commitment to the fund -- which has raised $2.8 billion worldwide -- is about $700 million. I have a solution that will cost the taxpayers nothing. Stop having unprotected sex. Stop using drugs. Problem solved. Article Here |
The Gay Mafia Is After Me!David Ovitz is in fear for his life. Or his reputation. Or both. Either way, he is ruined and he knows why. The Gay Mafia was out to get him. I was always told that it was the Jews who ran the media. Now it's homosexual Italians? Can someone hand me a scorecard to keep this all straight? Get it? "Straight?" No one is shocked at the allegation. Even Barry Diller only said, "You're not serious. Wow. He said that on record? Wow...Wow. I'm stunned. I'm stunned." No one said the concept was ludicrous. Like this surprises anyone. Did they not see Batman & Robin |
Tom Cruise Weighs In On AmericaJust what we all need. Didn't the confluence of opinion and Hollywood die with the cancellation of "Politically Incorrect?" "I think the U.S. is terrifying and it saddens me," he told the British paper the Daily Express. "You only have to look at the state of affairs in America." Tom, you make movies, right? Movies which influence how young people think? I don't recall you taking a stand about America when you were getting $25 million to make "Mission Impossible 2." I'm sure America would be a better place if we all subscribed to L. Ron Hubbard's Scientologist view of things ... but let's get back to that $25 million per picture you make. "I do worry about my children. As a parent you are always concerned," he told the paper. "I just want them to be in a place where they are going to be strong enough to make the right choices. Unfortunately, we're in a position where people are so irresponsible that human life holds such little value to them." So you're against abortion now, Tom? That should go over big in Hollywood. He says they'll probably grow up in Australia ... in other words, ex-wife Nicole Kidman will be tasked with removing herself from nasty old Hollywood to raise your kids while you remain here. Yep, that sounds like a real giver to me. Article Here |
Brits Use Hitler Image In Anti-Euro CampaignShowing again why they have the most common sense across the pond ... which is not saying all that much, but it's better than the Norwegians. Actor Rik Mayall, dressed as the Nazi dictator and mimicking his famous salute, declares: "Ein Volk! Ein Reich! Ein Euro," in a cinema spot due to be launched this month. "It's not anti-European to be against the euro," Geldof says in the advert. The all-party "No" campaign argues that jumping on the euro bandwagon would be bad for the British economy. Their slogan is "Europe yes. euro no". Campaigners said in the film they had tried to get across the idea that the euro is undemocratic and not inevitable. Article Here |
Ovitz Lashes Out At Gay MafiaHollywood titan Michael Ovitz burned some more bridges during his career flameout alleging, among other things, that the 'gay mafia' set out to ruin him. Is there a powerful homosexual presence in Hollywood? Duh. Gays and Jews, of course ... and if you happen to make a gay Jew angry in Hollywood, well, you've really done it. I sense that Ovitz has really done it because there is apparently a whole cabal of them he made angry. "It really reeks of the homophobia we saw in the '70s and '80s when a lot of gay execs were closeted," GLAAD's entertainment media director Scott Seomin said. "This is really surprising and comes off as a bit paranoid, a bit schizophrenic and very homophobic." Of course, they say everyone is homophobic, even if you are speaking the truth. It may be just coincidence that among virtually everyone in Hollywood that was out to get him, the most powerful among them happen to be homosexual. Any time you have a powerful group of people in an industry someone will eventually make a 'mafia' reference, just like any time Israeli politics are mentioned, some liberal will eventually use the term 'Nazi' ... it's mostly for shock effect and partly because they don't know what the words really mean. Buy "Vanity Fair" to read it for yourself. Article Here |
World's Stupidest Criminal Tries To Rob A Gun Store With A KnifeA man who tried to rob a Greenfield gun shop at knifepoint Thursday afternoon was shot in the chest by the shop owner, police said. The victim, identified only as a 57-year-old Greenfield man, was taken to Froedtert Memorial Lutheran Hospital in Wauwatosa, according to police. Police have yet to interview the victim because the shooting left him unconscious, Detective Sgt. Paul Schlecht said. More bad luck for him ... not only does he live but people are going to make fun of him for being so dumb. Article Here |
Special Ed Teacher Sues Because Retarded Class Made Fun of HimVincent Peries, who is from Sri Lanka, says students at Francis Lewis High School in Queens mimicked his accent, tossed paper balls at him, and referred to him as "Gandhi" and "immigrant ---." School officials don't deny Peries was harassed but argue that they can't discipline special ed students for slurring a teacher. Guess they're not so stupid after all ... they've figured out that they can get all of the rights of society and none of the responsibilities. Article Here |
30% of Americans Think Canada Is A US StateYou mean it isn't? Didn't we buy them? We should ... we need the parking. Article Here |