Girls Made To Show Panties At California School DanceNot by boys in the back seats of cars either ... by a female high-school vice-principal. If this were a movie, well, it would be Reform School Girls and A-okay in my book. But since it isn't, I will pretend to be indignant also. Article Here |
Vegetarians Hate ChildrenNote to parents: We didn't fight our way to the top of the food chain to eat vegetables. Plus, have you ever seen a healthy looking person working in a GNC? Science rests its case. Article Here |
Cardinal Law Says The Kid Wanted ItIt may seem a little insensitive for scientists to make fun of pederasts, but someone should. And, yes, we know parents are furious that they or their 6 year-old boy are called responsible for his being abused by the man-boy love advocate Shanley, when the Church knew of his positions and that he had abuse problems in the past. Cardinal Law went on to say if the kid didn't want to be touched he shouldn't have been all wearing the shorts outfits and going to Church every Sunday. Article Here |
Europeans Finally Realize The Spanish Are As Worthy of Scorn As The French
Europeans Finally Realize The Spanish Are As Worthy of Scorn As The FrenchSo the Spaniards hang dogs at the end of hunting season. If there were more Portugese in Spain they would hang them too. Article Here |
If All Golf Trophies Looked Like This, It Would Be Much More PopularIf you don't see what I see, you're not a man ... Article Here |
Anti-War Activists Withhold Their Tax Returns?It is unclear if they will also withhold their opinions about foreign policy. I think it's a fair trade if they do. Article Here |
Who Isn't A Fascist Over There?The French, almost 20% of whom voted for Le Pen, are in a tizzy, and have given the reactionary EU a distraction from hating Jews. How can a free society protest someone's right to run for election? Okay, he's not a great guy, everyone knew that, but isn't protesting and using the bludgeon of politically correct thought the reason why 20% of the French voted for him? It's a rebellion, folks. The real fascists are the ones insisting he can't run for President. The French "erupted in anger and shame" ... well, it's about time ... but there are lots of other reasons for that. Having a free election, even one where someone unlikable is allowed to run, isn't one of the reasons to be down on yourselves. The fact that the only other person to vote for is a cheat might be cause for concern ... Article Here |
The Greeks And Turks Are Going To Mediate Mid-East Peace?Why don't we just get dogs and cats to settle things between the palestinians and Israel?? |
Jean-Marie Le Pen for President of France?At least the anti-semitism would be out in the open then ... of course, his anti-homosexual stance won't be popular ... but his anti-Europe stance will be a hit among the EU, since France is the Europe everyone else is "anti" ... I hope that this is the success of a 'protest' candidate rather than a serious choice among the French. Chirac has to run against someone, after all, and the French are comfortable choosing to ignore the overwhelming evidence of corruption by Chirac while mayor of Paris ... explaining their light stance on Mr. Clinton's legal and ethical violations while in office ... but they might be sending him a signal. I think every free society has its fringe elements and Le Pen is a little joke the French are having amongst themselves. Article Here |
Liz Hurley's Baby -- I Have To KnowWas she leading some kind of secret life? Is the baby Hugh's instead? Bing seems adamant that the child is not his ... and men with a clue don't allege such things without a good reason. Unknown factor: Does he have a clue? The birth was April 4 ... let's hope we know soon. Article Here |
How Much Will The Brits Listen to the EU on N. Ireland?They have their own problems ... fortunately lots of protesters are available from the latest round of Israeli demonstrations. Unfortunately, none of them are British ... or Irish. Anyway, a recently uncovered IRA death list looks ready to send that region into turmoil. I don't know if British college students are going to be so tolerant of terrorism when cars full of fertilizer start blowing up on London streets. Article Here |
Wiesenthal Raps EU Endorsement of TerrorThis is not a guy you want mad at you. The six EU countries, France, Belgium, Sweden, Austria, Spain, and Portugal included in their resolution a 1982 affirmation ( which many didn't agree with then ) advocating 'armed struggle' -- read: terrorism -- and a condemnation of "mass killings" by the Israelis but no mention of palestinian suicide bombings. Their defense when confronted about endorsing terrorism? Wilfred Geens, Beligum's ambassador to Israel, said the vote "took place in a confused atmosphere." He also said their Geneva representative explained the vote "and said that beyond the wording and reference of the resolution, the message he wanted to get across was a call for the end of violence, for dialogue, and for peace - even though some formulations in the text were rather unfortunate." Unfortunate? What he means is that they agreed to it without reading it. And the EU wonders why everyone ignores them? Article Here |
"The Fast And The Furious" as mid-east parableNo truer middle-eastern fable was told. Watching it with Sweety last night I could feel the slight bends in reality occurring. The basic premise is a group of car drivers are hijacking trucks full of stuff and a young undercover officer has infiltrated the street-racing community to find out who is doing it. They do this a few times, the young cop makes no progress with anything other than a young lady, and we are warned the truckers will take things into their own hands. Finally, three quarters of the way through the movie, another attack happens and, sure enough, this trucker is armed. We feel the tension as he shoots at them ... one of them has managed to get himself snared on the truck while trying to enter it after pulling out the truck's windshield. The hero of the movie has to save the racer stranded on the truck. Watching this movie it is clear that the hijackers are still the heroes and the villain is the trucker. Imagine being a trucker, having yourself surrounded by young people with crossbows who shoot out your windshield and invade your truck. Here's the funny part: Earlier truckers were armed only with baseball bats and such and were overwhelmed ... which clearly did no good ... they were still hijacked, their lives at risk, and they were assaulted. Yet the movie wants us to believe that the trucker is the bad guy. In the end, the moral equivalence is so thick it is startling. The hero lets the obvious villain get away ... throwing out his integrity, his hard work, hundreds of thousands of tax dollars, and basically everything he stands for. Why? Well, for the sequel of course, but more because of friendship. We wonder why people have a skewed sense of right and wrong. It's no different in the mid-east. People are judging based on emotion rather than facts and while we all can sympathize with the plight of people displaced from their homes and with dead family members, we can't toss out the facts. Siding with people who only use violence to get what they want is our moral struggle. We shouldn't let Israel be overwhelmed in the interests of our peace of mind. It is their war. We certainly should not let the EU with its total reliance on Arab oil, make these decisions. By the way, the trucker who defended himself with the shotgun is the only one who escaped hijacking, and he single-handedly stopped the crime ring our young police friend couldn't ... and the trucker didn't have any moral equivalence at all about defending himself from aggression. Maybe we should send the Teamsters to Israel. |
C'mon ... London Disease?Gillian McKeith, a British nutritionist desperately seeking clientelle, has virtually assured herself work by inventing something called 'London Disease.' Encompassing chronic fatigue, burn-out, attention deficit disorder and stress -- in other words, a whole bunch of stuff people make up -- she insists the medical community needs to take her seriously because 50% of Londoners have it. She says it is caused by bad diet or appendix removal. Dr Richard Smith, editor of the British Medical Journal, said, "LD sounds like utter nonsense." He did not cite what percentage of Londoners were missing their appendix. And no word on what Gillian thinks of his diet. Article Here |
Roman Polanski's Going To Face The Music??He must be thinking that he can get a pretty good deal among modern day journalists. Certainly the Catholic Church can't yell at him. Hollywood? They'll probably give him an AFI award and applaud his stance on curing a 13 year-old girl of her American puritan repressions about sex. You know France isn't a great place to be when he would rather be a convicted criminal in the USA. Article Here |
Going To Your Dentist About TerrorismI've come across a startling amount of linguistic relativism these days and the root of it seems to be the venerable Oxford English Dictionary, 2nd Edition, available online and on CD, which should know better. The problem is a whole lot of people are insisting that terrorists blowing themselves up in supermarkets are martyrs. It's one thing for other terrorists to allege it ... they are, after all, out to get opinion on their side. It's another thing to be able to fall back on the kind of definition gerrymandering that has occurred in the definition of martyr. 1. Eccl. a. The specific designation of honour (connoting the highest degree of saintship) for: One who voluntarily undergoes the penalty of death for refusing to renounce the Christian faith or any article of it, for perseverance in any Christian virtue, or for obedience to any law or command of the Church. A sect which regarded its distinctive principles as part of the Christian faith could apply the title, in this strict sense, to its own members who died under persecution, while by others the application would be repudiated, or only conceded ironically. Popularly, however, this sense has long tended to be apprehended as a specific use of sense 2. 2. a. One who undergoes death (more loosely, one who undergoes great suffering) on behalf of any religious or other belief or cause, or as a consequence of his devotion to some object. Const. to. 3. hyperbolically. a. One who suffers tortures comparable to those described in the legends of martyrs; a constant sufferer. Const. to (an ailment, etc.). Clearly definition 2 is a complete backflip of common sense, especially regarding what has been given usage for 2000 years. By this definition, St. Peter would have been a martyr if he had been simply jailed for a few years. More importantly, it's given the left-wing a published source of stipulating that the palestinians are indeed martyrs on the same level ... because they are suffering or dying for a cause or belief. Religion is not mentioned. Clearly palestinians aren't being persecuted because they practice Islam ... they are being shot because they keep shooting at Israeli soldiers. Yet because this cause, no matter how contrived, fits into the Oxford definition of martyrdom, we have demonstrators carrying around their children playing dead, as if they were holy relics. When I argued the point recently, one person wrote to me, "that's just your definition of martyr" ... as if the common language we share was something that could be arbitrarily decided. What's next, I asked him ... you'll call a cat a dog instead and insist it's only my definition of cat? So I am now going to call terrorism "tooth decay" instead and insist it is my valid definition. This way I can read about 'tooth decay' in the middle east every day and feel a lot better. I only hope those running the Oxford Dictionary see it the same way. |
Is Anyone Surprised Where Cynthia 'Crazy Lady' McKinney's Campaign Contributions Come From?Not me ... after alleging Bush knew about 9/11 the enterprising Congresswoman knows journalists love to look in the glass houses of people throwing stones. So it's no surprise that 21% of her individual contributions came from people with arabic names, including people who openly support terrorist groups. Those are just individual contributions, not counting money she gets from CAIR and others. Did she think accusing the President of treason was going to improve her position among her constituents? Article Here |
Jenin - The Massacre That Wasn'tWhy do people keep falling for this palestinian hoopie? Radiactive bullets? Drugged chewing gum, and now a massacre that never happened? Now Arafat says they secretly snuck out all of the bodies ... how that happened with reporters everywhere outside Jenin is beyond anyone's guess, but paranoid conspiracy types will invent a way. Article Here |
HeroHaim Smadar, security guard for the supermarket in Israel where the Palestinian girl blew herself to bits. From an article by Bret Stephens: He was a father of five. Two of his children are deaf. He had been married for more than 30 years. He made a security guard's salary. He prided himself on his alertness. He received a commendation last year from Mayor Ehud Olmert for his diligence. His knowledge of Arabic - he was born in Tunisia - may have alerted him to the danger posed by Akhras. Witnesses attest that his last words, as he struggled to stop Akhras from entering the supermarket were, "You are not coming in here. You and I will blow up here." He may have saved 12 or 20 or 30 lives, or more. |
Ahhh, to have the worries of the French ...French drivers, learning of failed driver's license tests, have occasionally taken to attacking the examiners. The examiners, furious, went on strike to demand that results be sent in the mail to prevent further attacks. This is an ELECTION issue for these people. I shouldn't be writing seriously about a country with 265 kinds of cheese, I know. Article Here |
Why Muslim Countries Should Require a License To Have ChildrenSickening photo of the day ... the daughter of an Arab protester in Berlin with faux dynamite strapped around her waist ... absolutely disgusting. Article Here What was Golda Meir's quote again? Something like there won't be peace until Arabs love their children more than they hate Israel's? |
Where Can I Get In On The Alec Baldwin Relocation Fund?The Florida Republicans have given Alec Baldwin a one-way ticket to Montreal after he appeared for Democrats in the state. No surprise there, since he stated that he was leaving the country if one Bush got elected as President ... so perhaps another one getting re-elected as Governor will put him over the edge again ... but maybe he has no money because of his crap movies and has just been waiting for free bus fare. Either way, he has what he needs now ... no more excuses, Alec ... you're a man of principles and I suggest you stick by them. How's your French? And, by the way, I am still going to kick your ass for that remake of "The Getaway." So, if anyone knows where Alec Baldwin is, tell me soon. And if he happens to be rubbing his ass like it just got kicked, it's cool, I found him. Article Here |
Farscape's New HottieKudos to one of the best shows on TV for introducing yet another strong female character ... whose odd makeup choices still end up being easy on the eyes. Milan Graza(sic) comes in and steals the show. If you haven't seen it, give it a try ... surely it is "Melrose Space" ... a new soap drama every week ... but it is well-crafted drama done with care ... and TV needs more of these than cookie-cutter remakes of already successful shows. |
<So Much For Worries About An Iraqi EmbargoNote to Saddam Hussein: You're a punk. With Venezuela now caving in like a supermodel after snorting cocaine off my genitals, what are the chances your ideals are so intact you will be able to keep your snout out of the US money trough for a whole 30 days? Not very likely ... oil prices plummeted today so all you're gaining is 30 days of lost income. Why aren't your ideals strong enough to do it? Well, you have none ... if you had any, you wouldn't sell us oil ever. That would show us. But without money you can't pay incompetent Red Guard soldiers who are defecting in record rates because of worries over a US invasion ... not just pushing you out of Kuwait this time, but hoisting the Stars and Bars right up over ol' Baghdad. I think I am going to go fill 'er up ... |
Is Arafat Sweating Yet?Here's a bit of diplomatic surprise for the PLO ... it doesn't matter how many left-wing darlings in the EU support you, it doesn't matter who in the US supports you ... it doesn't matter if even a week ago the improbable step of meeting with Colin Powell looked like it was going to happen, an obvious mistake in the eyes of many ... at the end of the day, you have to make peace with Israel. Encouraging young girls to blow themselves up in outdoor markets ( like this one ) will not do it. Arafat has assumed that the EU or the US would pressure Israel to agree to even worse terms than they were getting in the Clinton deal ... only now that he is surrounded he says he only wants the same thing he turned down in that deal. He cannot be trusted ... he has said publicly he will gladly lie for his cause ... Powell meeting with him only adds credibility to terrorist actions and it would send a signal to terror groups around the world that their conduct is acceptable. Article Here |
"Human Nature" as good filming or pretentious schlock?My vote is for Charlie Kaufman as the most overrated screenwriter of the day. "Being John Malkovich" was okay and given its quirky storyline I can see why it got some darling reviews, but come on ... an abnormally hairy woman and a scientist bent on teaching table manners to lab mice sounds too much like formula quirkiness to me ... In case you're wondering: Most underrated? William Goldman |
Berkeley Again -- This Time Bush Knew About 9/11They just get crazier and crazier. Unfortunately the sane ones graduate and move on ... leaving only the ones who adopt activism as a lifestyle. Getting a Congresswoman from GA to spout off isn't such a big deal ... people from Georiga will elect anyone ... but that she's so stupid as to do it on a radio station is a little surprising. Article Here |
Hate In My Back YardThis about an attack on a Jewish man in a Sacramento park. These Muslims are peace-loving people, right? Didn't we keep saying that after 9/11, even in light of the knowledge that we haven't had any Amish Fundamentalists or Mennonite Fundamentalists driving planes into buildings? Now, Sacramento is 'east of the 5' which means we try to keep the crazies on the San Francisco/Berkeley side ... we're not used to this kind of thing. I understand that Berkeley students graduate and have to move somewhere but it doesn't have to be a few miles from me. The sad part is the guy probably wasn't even a real Muslim. The Sac Bee gives no news on his nationality other than to say he wore something on his head. I'd take a Muslim over a college activist any day. Article Here |
The Brits Have Their Own Terror ProblemThe Irish terrorists probably aren't happy about all of the press being given to their palestinian brothers-in-spirit these days. Local police foiled what they believe was an attempted attack ... as if a car full of fertilizer had any other reason to be in London ... but no one is stating this was scheduled for the Queen Mother's funeral day. We all know you can bomb the Brits on most days but avoid the royal funerals. We'd best hope the British don't take offense and attempt to root out the terrorists, else the EU will boycott them as well. Article Here |
Even Gauguin Couldn't Stand Europe, So Why Do Israelis Care About It?Yossi Klein Halevi, guest-blogging for the LA Times, makes some great points today. He wonders why world opinion is so stacked against Israel, when they clearly have not targeted Arab civilians in their war on terror, they had agreed to a Clinton-brokered plan which the PLO walked away from, and there has been proof of complete, direct links between terrorist attacks on Israeli civilians and Arafat himself. It's a great question. Is it European appeasement? More aggressive free-form pundits than me might suggest that Europeans have given up the Jews before ... and it seems strange that an alarming number of anti-Semitic acts are occurring now. Arabs ( or college students ) wouldn't be so bold unless public opinion was on their side. Article Here |
Fun Things On Newsgroups TodayWho's better in bed? Liberal women or conservative women? You know who I'm picking ... I think women a little bit more discreet socially are more likely to cut loose in the sack ... but mostly because I don't think liberal women bathe ... Feel free to add your own. You can't find this kind of stuff on National Review ... |
Why doesn't Katie Couric Get it?Watching Katie today, I saw her lose it ... and this time she was even losing it with a couple of guys who were trying to prove her pre-9/11 cause du jour ... the 'innocence' of Andrea Yates. I'm not sure why she had her tiff, other than that the fellow didn't answer to her satisfaction how a group that dislikes psychiatrists could be objective in talking about psychiatrists. Katie had no problem pre-9/11 claiming to be an 'objective reporter' while she bleated on the topic continously in her private life and raised money for this woman's defense. Why was this whole thing confusing? She was torn between who she disliked more; Scientology or Andrea Yates' psychiatrist ... hint to Katie: psychiatrists are not responsible for her monstrous acts, nor are Scientologists, the courts, society, the hospitals, Yates' husband, her in-laws, or anyone else. Yates is responsible for her monstrous act. |
The Peter Jennings Guide To Picking Up Da HoniesIf you jeer at Peter Jennings as much as I do ( and who doesn't? ) you'll laugh at this ... Article Here note: it takes Microsoft IE to view the page, so feel free to yell at the near-sighted monopolistic webmasters of the site who want to prevent independent thinkers -- the very people least likely to use an assified tool like IE -- from viewing their site ... that is, 99% of the UNIX, Linux and Mac communities. Come on guys, get with the program ... |
Does anyone know anything about electricity? I have a GFI tripping on my pool lights ... I bypassed it and they work fine so I assume it's not the hot wire that is the problem ... presumably the breaker would trip if it was the hot wire ... but if it's a ground how do I find out? Those GFIs are so sensitive it could be a piece of dirt but I can't very well run without the GFI in case something really does go wrong.
Let me know ... |
If you want to hurl funny comments about why Campbell Men have such trouble with women, go here and let us all know ... |
A friend of mine said you need a left handle and a right handle on your wheelbarrow to haul the rocks out of your garden ... okay, how was it that when Bill Buckley did "Laugh-In" those decades ago he got them to fly him out on a plane with two right wings? |
If Dash Hammett comes back from the grave and writes my obit, I hope it reads something like this ... why is that a Brit knows more about American hard-boiled noir prose than we do?
Article Here |