John Walker Lindh and Time MagazineBoy, what did he do to piss them off? Now, knowing he has a homosexual father, is from Marin County, and has parents that allowed him to run off to a Muslim country to 'find' himself, it's not really a surprise if he had a homosexual relationship. From Greece east it's pretty common ... Here is what Time wrote: "Hayat met Lindh and took him on a tour of various madrasahs, searching for the perfect one from Karachi in the south to Peshawar in the northwest. The young American rejected them all and preferred remaining at Hayat's side. He helped Hayat at his store, a prosperous business dealing in powdered milk. Hayat, who has a wife and four children, says he had sex with Lindh. "'He was liking me very much. All the time he wants to be with me,' says Hayat, who has a good though not colloquial command of English. 'I was loving him. Because love begets love, you know.'" Article Here |
Democrats Raise $6 Million With Exclusive $500/Head Barbara (sic) Streisand ConcertBecause they're they party of the little guy. The (sic) is because I intentionally spell her name correctly, just not the way she spells it ... as an homage to her screwing up Dick Gephardt's name in her hissy-fit fax to him last week. Article Here |
62 year old man lost for 3 1/2 months at sea ...Wow ... if there's a fight, I'm on his side. He survived by catching fish, seabirds and turtles for food and collecting rainwater, said Navy crewmen who found him Sept. 17. Despite losing about 40 pounds and being heavily suntanned, Van Pham was in good condition when found, they reported. "He's a tough old bird," said Cmdr. Gary Parriott, the McClusky's skipper, in a satellite phone interview yesterday. "I'm not sure I would have fared as well as he did." Article Here |
NY Press: "Best of 2002 ... " Issue"Best Reason to Leave the Democratic Party ... You?re Not Jealous of Rich People and You Don?t Fear the Christian Right? In Which Case party leaders have nothing to say to you. Every debate with a Democrat leads back to one of those two bugbears? usually both. If you happen to actually know and like some wealthy people and at least one politically active Christian, it quickly starts to feel as if your intelligence is being insulted. Jealously and fear are painful emotions. Anyone who wants us to experience more of them than is necessary, we figure, deserves our contempt. We want to debate the war on terrorism, the business scandals, homeland security, school choice and the national economy. But we?re going to do so thoughtfully. The Democratic Party seems to think that appealing to irrational emotions makes tactical sense. Maybe it does. Maybe it?s even worth losing a few rational intellectuals who are turned off by what we see as shameless frauds, enormous missed opportunities and decades? worth of squandered political energy. Problem for the Dems is, that?s a lot of smart cookies, and we?re not all going to just sit on the sidelines. After all, the other side enjoys real debate. Article Here |
Jesse Jackson Hates Black PeopleTurns out the makers of "Barbershop" had jokes involving Jackson, Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King. Jackson raised a stink about it so the producers apologized .... but that's not enough. Showing little knowledge of the First Amendment that allows him to blackmail companies, Jackson now insists that they must go further and remove those scenes from the video, DVD and cable versions. "The apology is a step in the right direction," he told the AP, but added that he will "keep appealing to them" to do the right thing. Article Here |
My New Favorite AstronautBuzz Aldrin ... for punching that prententious wank filmmaker, Bart Sibrel, right in the kisser after Sibrel called him a "thief, liar and coward" and demanded that he swear on a Bible that he had landed on the moon. Now, how Aldrin escaped assault charges is unclear ... but CA has always had a different set of rules for celebrities. Still, I am happy that Aldrin got to stand up for himself without enduring a trial or a lawsuit. Old school astronauts rock! Article Here |
Greg Maddux Continues To AmazeI was skeptical of him in the '80s. I'm certainly not a Braves fan and not much of a Cubs fan before that, but Maddux stands out. He's managed to win 15 games in each of the last 15 years. The last guy to do what he's done? A fella named Cy Young. Article Here |
"Sorority Life" FinaleI finally got around to watching it ... if you aren't familiar with it, you didn't miss much. For one thing, college students are difficult to stomach anyway. It was hard enough when I was a college student. The lesson? Take a sorority full of ugly girls who insist they don't want to be judged on their looks, introduce some attractive girls, and invariably the attractive girls will be discriminated against because they 'have all of the advantages in life.' In other words, the ugly girls will do exactly what they don't want done to them. There, I saved you 8 hours of your life. Spend it watching "24" instead. |
To Katie Couric, Andrea Yates Supporters, And Those Not In Favor Of The Death PenaltyThe videotape footage of that idiot psycho beating her daughter in a department store parking lot should change your mind about the 'rights' of mentally disturbed mothers. The waiting list for adorable baby girls is long ... I bet thousands of couples would take this child happily. I think that's just what should be done. I don't want to hear apologies from her attorney. I don't want to hear about bad judgment or regret ... you can bet this isn't the first time she did this, it's just the first time she got caught. I would gladly extend such a violation of parental rights to anyone who hits a child with a closed fist. Why did I included Katie Couric in this tirade? Because if she had watched video of Yates methodically drowning her children in a bathtub she wouldn't have wasted time and network bandwidth blaming everyone except the criminal. |
FEC Issues Record Fines In Democrats' ScandalsWhat a surprise ... The Federal Election Commission disclosed yesterday it has imposed a record-setting $719,000 in fines against participants in the 1996 Democratic Party fundraising scandals involving contributions from China, Korea and other foreign sources. Article Here |
Clinton's Head of the Presidential Advisory Council on AIDS In Molestation AccusationDr. R. Scott Hitt, an AIDS specialist and gay activist, is in trouble. Surprise, both molestations involved male patients. "In July of 1999, my life fell apart. I was diagnosed with metastatic colon cancer. My odds of recovery were very slim," Hitt said. While undergoing three surgeries in 45 days as well as chemotherapy, he said, "my judgment was impaired." It's unknown if 'my judgment was impaired' will be allowed as a defense for heterosexual molestation cases in the future. Article Here |
VH1 Changes Hillary Boos Into CheersYou know how the media keeps talking about 'suppression of dissent' since 9/11, right? Everyone heard Hillary Clinton walk onto that stage in front of firefighters and cops and get booed loudly. Apparently these guys are okay to risk their lives but not okay to express their opinions. 'Senator Clinton was booed when she walked on stage last October at a rock concert in Madison Square Garden to benefit 9/11 victims. It was shown live by VH1 but, as ABC's John Stossel illustrated in a July 20/ 20 special on media distortions, when the Viacom-owned cable channel replayed it sound technicians replaced the booing with cheering and applause. And that version is the permanent record VH1 put onto its DVD of the event.' Article Here |
"Inside The Actor's Studio" and the hypocrisy of the movie industryJohnny Depp, resident of France and long-time critic of the US, was the guest today. I programmed it into my Replay mostly because someone at a gathering yesterday mentioned that the one with Mike Myers had been really good and talking about it gave us all a chance to poke fun at everyone's favorite pompous ass, James Lipton. Anyway, Depp walks out and mumbles something to the effect of 'I apologize in advance for the poison I am about to ...' whatever he finishes with while he lights up a thin dark cheroot. Meekly, almost revently, Lipton demurs, "You may." Where are the gasps of horror? Where is Rob Reiner, with his claims that pedophilia, murder, drug use, incest and gratuious violence are all okay te smoking should be banned from film? Why did no one in the audience shout down Johnny Depp for daring to smoke? No one else in the Actor's Studio can smoke ... why can he? Instead, Lipton is practically fawning over Depp ... he's so avant-garde for daring to smoke when everyone in America is bludgeoned with advertisements against smoking. Do I have a point? Maybe. Depp has no problem telling us everything that's wrong with America, how Bush is so awful and that's why he lives in France ( though he moved there during the Clinton years ) yet apparently smoking is where France is so superior. Even worse is that any student caught smoking inside the school would be ejected, ridiculed, subjected to all manner of shrill hysteria about the evils of second hand smoke. Where are the protectors of the poor students in the audience? Aren't we afraid they will perish? Don't even get me started on Jon Favreau's "Dinner For Five" ... where five famous types get together and stun us with their insights and then light up cigars at the end of every episode ... inside Pinot in Hollywood, which is a restaurant in the state where no one is allowed to smoke in restaurants, that being sunny California. |
Jimmy Carter's Thoughts on AmericaHe thinks America is not handling the middle east well. Let's see how his foreign policy stacks up. On his watch we stopped recognition of Taiwan, had our ally Iran overrun by terrorists and Americans held hostage until ( surprise! ) the day the guy who beat him in the election took power, had the Russians invade Afghanistan with impunity, had communists rebels take over Nicaragua. The only thing he takes credit for? Negotiating a peace between Israel and Egypt ... the latter of whom had their heads handed to them in four wars. It's making my head hurt. Carter is the last person who should criticize another President. This is without even getting into his domestic policies, runaway inflation, and all of the rest that disappointed a nation of optimists ... Article Here |
Man's Visit To Future Grave Kills HimThat'll teach you not to visit your mausoleum before you need to ... second hint; don't sleep in your bed. 70% of people die in bed. Article Here |
London's Mayor: "I feel safer in New York"But keep telling us how superior you are because citizens can't have guns. You have 150,000 cameras watching everything, no guns allowed among the non-criminal population, yet there have been four times as many murders in London as last year ... Article Here |
Soon You May Get To Pay A 'World Tax'Yes, its true ... but act now before opportunity passes you by. You see, the problem is world poverty and the solution is, of course, money. If we just gave more money to poor people, their lives would be better. Much like we give poor people humanitarian aid now. Only, whoops, they never get it because the evil dictatorships take it all and sell it on the black market. So well-known French crook Jacques Chirac has again proposed an international levy on ... you guessed it, us. Note to all black Americans who think they have it bad. The average black person in the USA makes more per year than the average Swede. So guess who's going to pay most of the tax? Arabia, with its oil billions? Nope. Us. So will this work? Sure, if there were never going to be any inflation again in the universe. Otherwise introducing cash to a poor economy simply drives up prices. And what happens when the financial markets simply move to countries where they aren't paying the tax? I'm not even a Nobel prize winning economist and I can see the holes in this ... why is it that the head of a major European nation, with all of his advisors, cannot? Article Here |
David Horowitz On Bias Of The University SystemIn the last quarter century, the academic left has achieved something Senator Joseph McCarthy only dreamed of. It has purged its opposition from the faculties of virtually every university in the United States. The full article here |
Ahhhh, me public!!This commentary from a devoted blog reader: "I read your stuff and I think you may be a commie wimp asshole out to destroy the moral fabric of America and all it stands for. Have you served in the military? Do you give to United Way? Do you belong to a church or are you a Jew or Muslim ? Get real. Leave this country if you wont fight or support it! commie your gay too!" Well, as you can see, he certainly has my number. In case you are curious, I answered his questions: 1) Yes 2) No 3) Yes, no and no, since it was a three parter ... |