In Case You Ever Have To Choose Between Toilet Water and IceWell, in a restaurant in Florida, that is - which should you go for? This slightly unscientific survey says choose the toilet water. Who did the study? Jasmine Roberts, a 12 year old girl in Florida, that's who. And we all take our guidance from pre-teen girls. When she's 30, she can be my toilet monkey. Until then, she should keep her yap shut. I will use the ice if I want, no matter how filthy it is. But I don't need ice because I have stories about Robin Williams to keep me warm. He was at Scores West getting lap dances until 5AM. Did you even know Robin Williams was not gay? I didn't. Oh, wait. Scores girl Katherine said, "I was trying to dance for him, but he kept making me laugh by making funny faces and noises." Yep, definitely gay. I can't figure out that Robin Williams but then again I can't figure out why the Spanish Flu, the epidemic that killed 50 million people in 1918/9, was known as French Flu in Spain. Or why one in 18 people has a third nipple. But I'm not here to make judgments, unless it's deciding that the title of the sequel to "Brokeback Mountain" should be ![]() Decide for yourself. |
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