Intellectually Nuanced Kerry Understands The Difference Between His 'Family' Owning a Gas-Guzzling SUV And Him Owning ItOddly, he can't understand how Dick Cheney once worked for an oil company but now works for the government. ``I don't own an SUV,'' said Kerry, who supports increasing existing fuel economy standards to 36 miles per gallon by 2015 in order to reduce the nation's dependence on foreign oil supplies. This was after reporters asked about his Chevy Suburban. ``The family has it. I don't have it,'' he said. Uhhhhh ... Kerry also has made rising gasoline prices an issue in the campaign against President Bush. In Houston on Thursday, Kerry said the president broke a 2000 campaign pledge to ``jawbone'' oil-producing nations by pressuring them to increase their output. Oddly, Kerry was against Bush 'pressuring' oil producing nations. He has yet to respond with exactly what sort of 'pressure' he thinks he can exert on Middle East nations. Article Here |
Michael Moore Outsources JobsMichael Moore, who has created a big business criticizing big business and America in general, doesn't seem to be all that worried about the little working guy when it comes to his money. He took some time off from defending worker rights and lamenting corporate malfeasance to create employment problems in the US ... by exporting jobs to Canada. Plank, of Montreal, is the brains behind while Webcore Labs of Alberta hosts it. Moore, a guy who made his fortune ridiculing the little guy in the form of secretaries and security guards who wouldn't let him in to see company Presidents un-announced, did not return phone calls asking for comment. Regrettably no one made a documentary of their efforts to reach him and ask why he is adding to unemployment in America. |
Kerry On Clearing The AirTeresa Heinz insists she doesn't have to show her tax return because it is an invasion of privacy. There is a long tradition of privacy, she says, because there is a long tradition of privacy. But they own a home together ... she paid cash for it and in December, 2003 he mortgaged it and loaned his campaign $6.4 Million from those proceeds. But the interest alone is $200,000 per year ... more than the $158,000 annually he gets as a Senator. The last time he disclosed his finances, Kerry had a net worth between negative $130,000 to positive $34,995. Yet, his campaign insists he will pay back the loan himself because "Sen. Kerry is a man who has considerable assets," spokesman Michael Meehan explains. He does? Then why did he mortgage his house at an interest rate that is more than he makes per year? Sen. Kerry has always maintained a policy of full disclosure. His words to his Senate opponent in 1990: "I think people want to know whether someone they possibly might send to Washington to represent them in the Senate is someone who pays their fair share of taxes,'" Kerry said. "Why is James Rappaport hiding his tax returns?" Kerry asked. "Why is it some people can live up to that standard and he can't? It seems to me that he ought to be able to release those returns and clear the air..." And then during the recent primaries: "As president, openness will be the hallmark of my administration, not some talking point... The highest office in the land requires the highest level of openness for the American people." Okay Senator ... who is paying your bills? |
Canada Wants YOU To Hunt Baby SealsThose crazy Canucks. It's okay to spend a billion dollars buying back guns that don't work and getting no change in crime rates for the effort, but letting a few extra baby seals live can't be allowed. The largest single seal hunt in half a century begins in Canada on Monday. The government is allowing more than 300,000 seals to be killed this year, many of them in a 36-hour mass cull. "Cull" is a word the BBS uses because they don't want to inflame Canadians. Kind of like how they use "insurgent" instead of terrorist when Jews are dead. Canadian officials say it is now both humane and necessary to allow a million seals to be killed over the next three years. The seal population is exploding and thus the fish population is dwindling. So to save the fish, they have to kill the seals. That ought to make environmentalist heads spin like Linda Blair in "The Exorcist." Canada says the killing ... oops, culling ... will be more humane, using bullets rather than clubs. Rights groups such as The International Fund for Animal Welfare (Ifaw) have no problem at all lying about the matter: "We filmed and witnessed seals being skinned alive right in front of us," Ifaw activist Rebecca Aldworth told Reuters news agency last week. Well, Reuters may buy that ... but they also bought Jenin, Arafat and Hussein. Article Here |
Britons Proud of High Crime, 4 Million Surveillance Cameras and, oh yeah, Gun Control ...It's no news to anyone that as gun control has gotten stricter in the UK, petty crime has escalated. Your chances of being in a robbery while you are home are much higher than in the US. My chance of being murdered in Britain is higher than in the US. But it may not be with a gun. It may be with a knife or a pipe. That is a big improvement to Britons. To accomplish this feat of social engineering they have created the kind of Orwellian society dreamt about by, well, Orwell. 4 million cameras scatted across the tiny island. The average London citizen is photographed over 300 times a day. Sure, it would be peachy if this actually reduced crime. What ends up getting reduced are citizens' rights. Surveillance footage has been used by some businesses to monitor buying habits of shoppers, or shoo away teenage boys who have done nothing wrong. Footage has also been found to focus on attractive women and private apartment windows. Estimates are that by the end of the decade Britain will have more cameras than people. Anyone who insists Brits are a model for anyone else is just kidding themselves. Article Here |
California Activists Side With The Rich -- AgainCalifornia demonstrators, determined to increase the gulf between the rich and the poor, took to the streets again to try and sway votes in favor of continued ghetto-ization of America's working class. Seeing an opportunity for the 110,000 mostly-black population of Inglewood, CA to raise their standard of living by paying less for consumer goods, groups drew a line in the sand and insisted they wouldn't stop until rich small business owners were allowed to hold neighborhood monopolies without interference. Demonstrators used images of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Cesar Chavez -- because, yes, both those men want America's blacks and latinos to be forced into paying higher prices -- demonstration leaders used heated language like "plantation" to try and sway support in favor of poor people having less money. Yet some find this stance a little baffling. "I think it's largely about the unions," said Bob McAdam, Wal-Mart's vice-president of corporate affairs. "They are mobilizing leaders." It sounds unthinkable that anyone holding pictures of Cesar Chavez and MLK would be front men for mafia-controlled unions that run the Democrat party. Other shoppers in the LA basin have plenty of opportunities to pay low prices so this kind of race discrimination by union shills and race-baiting leaders who need to keep blacks in poverty in order to retain their power is shocking. Yet there it is. Article Here |