Canada Wants YOU To Hunt Baby SealsThose crazy Canucks. It's okay to spend a billion dollars buying back guns that don't work and getting no change in crime rates for the effort, but letting a few extra baby seals live can't be allowed. The largest single seal hunt in half a century begins in Canada on Monday. The government is allowing more than 300,000 seals to be killed this year, many of them in a 36-hour mass cull. "Cull" is a word the BBS uses because they don't want to inflame Canadians. Kind of like how they use "insurgent" instead of terrorist when Jews are dead. Canadian officials say it is now both humane and necessary to allow a million seals to be killed over the next three years. The seal population is exploding and thus the fish population is dwindling. So to save the fish, they have to kill the seals. That ought to make environmentalist heads spin like Linda Blair in "The Exorcist." Canada says the killing ... oops, culling ... will be more humane, using bullets rather than clubs. Rights groups such as The International Fund for Animal Welfare (Ifaw) have no problem at all lying about the matter: "We filmed and witnessed seals being skinned alive right in front of us," Ifaw activist Rebecca Aldworth told Reuters news agency last week. Well, Reuters may buy that ... but they also bought Jenin, Arafat and Hussein. Article Here |
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