Grizzly Mauls Animal Rights ActivistIt's too easy ... but feel free to send me your slam dunk jokes about this one. Article Here |
EU Urges UN Solution To Iraq CrisisAren't we in our 11th year of the UN solution? The UN solution so far has been to keep asking nicely to be allowed to send in weapons inspectors. Iraq has declined. Hussein and company have done more than anything in a 50-year history to completely immasculate the UN so why do EU bureaucrats insist they can somehow resolve this thing now? The European example is a bad one. The 20th Century was not good to them ... but I can't think of a century that was good for them in recorded history. Another European bureaucrat standing in Brussels giving a modern day 'peace for our time' speech is the last thing western democracies need. Hussein is clearly intent on protecting his future actions by stalling for time today while he builds a devastating offensive capability. The EU cites support from the ICC for this position. Didn't they say all along that the ICC would not be a political body? Article Here |
EU Abandons Renewable Energy DemandsWhy? Well, any time radicals find a sympathetic ear they press for too much. Renewable energy, for example, could not be hydroelectric power according to the environmental radicals in Europe because dams displace people from their homes. Wood must be burnt so that is bad too. If the only source of 'renewable energy' becomes solar or wind, you have a real problem. In California taxpayers have wasted $15 billion in tax revenue that can never be recovered because of the junk science propogated by radicals. Poor countries are unable to bear that kind of cost and the EU was unwilling to underwrite it alone. This article says the article is a 'personal rebuff' for Tony Blair. More likely he only proposed this to appease the Greens who voted for him. No one can show a shred of evidence where this has ever been anything but a monetary sinkhole. Article Here |
Ford Loses $123 Million On Electric Car DivisionAll the government regulations in the world won't make something viable if it isn't practical. Environmentalists used to tout this in much they way they now tout hydrogen fuel cells. What they leave out is that it costs more energy to produce those cars than you save by using them. That's without getting into the cost of production. Environmentalists put their agenda first and don't consider the implications. The fact remains that developed countries do a much better job of preserving the economy. The largest steel producer in the US uses recycled materials ... people are cleaner and healthier in the US than in any developed nation but delegates at the Earth Day summit seem to think we should all go back to an undeveloped state, defecating in rivers and with life expectancies of 40 years. Capitalism remains the solution to environmental issues, not part of the problem. Article Here |
Earth Day Summit Attendees Enjoy Caviar And Champagne While They Talk About StarvationThe British delegates accused the US of failing the world's poor a few days ago. Today the 70 person delegation is dining in luxury while children in nearby shanty towns stand in line for water. Who's paying the $700,000 for the British to eat caviar while they talk about famine? British taxpayers, of course. The 60,000 summit delegates from 182 countries are expected to drink 80,000 bottles of mineral water during the conference. Why? Because they won't drink the water in South Africa, where 6,000 children die from diseases caused by contaminated water every day. Other important environmental issues will be discussed as well ... but they won't talk about all of the trees cut down around the conference center in Sandton, the most exclusive suburb in Africa, so that limosuines could have easier access. Article Here |
Boy Scouts Do Good Things, Drive Left Into A FrenzyAnd somehow they do it all without the aid of homosexual troop leaders. The bad news for liberals is that in some oppressive dictatorships they love, you can't be homosexual or a boy scout. I am not sure how they get their heads around that. Article Here |
French mayor bans residents from dyingI wish I could be French. These guys have a LOT more power than we do. I don't think our mayor could ban dying. No wonder Johnny Depp moved there. Article Here |
California Wants To Ban Smoking For Under 21 -- AgainThese people made $20 billion of bonus tax money disappear and then raised our taxes to cover the new 'shortfall' they created once the taxes on stock options evaporated in the downturn. You'd think they have more important things to do than legislate how teenagers harm themselves. Don't give me that junk science about second-hand smoke either ... Article Here |
Sam Bell On Ridiculous Title IX RulesLike most liberal plans they mean well ... mandate quotas for sports teams so women can compete too ... but what happens instead is that more popular teams get cut to comply with federal quota laws. 1976 US Olympic Track Coach Sam Bell makes the case here that we aren't improving society by cutting scholarship programs for mens' sports like Track & Field that have minority involvement in order to replace them with women's sports like rowing. Think it's a silly example? It happened at Bowling Green last week. The worst thing is that even at schools like Bucknell and Yale where Alumni offer to fund the programs to be cut, they can't ... because they have to meet the federal quota. Article Here |
Georgia Crazy Lady Congresswoman Ousted In PrimaryYou remember McKinney as the one who alleged Bush knew about September 11th ... her campaign was financed by pro-Arab groups while her opponent, Denise Majette, a Yale-educated former judge, was backed by pro-Israel groups. McKinney, a five-term congresswoman, accused Majette, also a black woman, of 'selling out' to Republicans. Article Here |
Study Shows Alcohol Makes People More AttractiveHow much do you think British taxpayers paid for scientists to unearth that little gem? Article Here |
India calls in X-Files agents to unmask face-scratching alienThey agreed it was indeed an alien ... Article Here |
Seeing the NEA Looniness For YourselfThat is if you want to read the entire thing ... NEA on 9/11 recommendations |
Some Teachers Do Not Back NEA 9/11 Anti-American AgendaAs you would expect not all of them agree. The problem is that most of them probably do agree with its slant ... it is their union, after all ... it speaks for them. Article Here |
Streisand Out of Retirement For $500/Person Democrat FundraiserBecause Democrats are the party of the little guy, of course. Article Here |
NEA Lesson Plan For 9/11 -- Don't Blame Anyone, Except AmericaThe National Education Association is suggesting to teachers that they be careful on the first anniversary of the September 11 attacks not to "suggest any group is responsible" for the terrorist hijackings that killed more than 3,000 people. But another of the suggested NEA lesson plans -- compiled together under the title "Remember September 11" and appearing on the teachers union health information network Web site -- takes a decidedly blame-America approach, urging educators to "discuss historical instances of American intolerance," so that the American public avoids "repeating terrible mistakes." "Internment of Japanese Americans after Pearl Harbor and the backlash against Arab Americans during the Gulf War are obvious examples," the plan says. "Teachers can do lessons in class, but parents can also discuss the consequences of these events and encourage their children to suggest better choices that Americans can make this time." Article Here |
Gore Too Cheap To Pay For Bruce TicketsOh sure, he wants to see The Boss in concert ... he just didn't want to pay $75 each. Weeks after attending a lavish fund-raiser at an expensive Chelsea night club, Al Gore criticized the Bush administration for "working on behalf of the powerful, and letting the people of this country get the short end of the stick." Yet I don't think Bush was asking for free Springsteen tickets. Also warming to Gore's pledge to fight for "working families" were many Hollywood billionaires. Notorious inseminator and Hollywood "producer" Stephen Bing ponied up $200,000. Actress and traitor Jane Fonda gave the Gore-Lieberman fund $100,000. Article Here |
Canadian Paper Kicks Amnesty InternationalRightfully so. This is an organization that I used to give money to, until they got so caught up in the political cause du jour they forgot their mandate. The article rightfully mentions last year's UN Durban conference supposedly aimed at stopping 'racism' but aimed squarely at Israel. The mid-east is almost without exception populated by misogynist, racist, intolerant, repressive dictatorships ... the lone exception being Israel, which may not be perfect but is certainly well above the rest when it comes to human rights. Yet AI singled out Israel ... not Saudi Arabia, where a starving man can have his hand cut off, not Pakistan, where raping his sister is a just punishment for a young man being seen with an older women ... not China, Syria, Zimbabwe, or any of the large list of tyrannical regimes aimed squarely at disabling any dissension or free thought among its citizenry. Just Israel. Well, the Canuck is also complaining that AI is going after government efforts to stop natives from illegally snatching lobsters instead of going after the real criminal states out there. Rightfully so ... AI has expended virtually all of its moral capital and has instead become one of those shrill fringe groups no one listens to any more. Article Here |
Italian Health Minister Feels Censorship Is The Way To Stop SmokingWhen a movie comes on that has a character smoking, a disclaimer will appear ... "Warning, this is pro-smoking propaganda." The minister, Girolamo Sirchia, says that he is not calling for censorship but for government health warnings to accompany the most risqué tobacco-wreathed scenes. We yanks need someone from the country that invented fascism to explain all of this to us. Article Here |
Anglican archbishop becomes druidWow ... Henry VIII never knew that would happen when he left Catholicism to get a divorce -- again. Rowan Williams, currently archbishop of Wales and newly designated archbishop of Canterbury donned a white cloak, stepped into a stone circle and became a druid at sunrise Monday -- and immediately drew accusations of paganism from within the Church of England. He described the druidic award as "one of the greatest honors which Wales can bestow upon her citizens." Supporters pointed out that the Welsh cleric was in good company, since the late actor Richard Burton and Queen Elizabeth II's late mother also were white druids. Well, there you have it. If Richard Burton did it, it certainly must be okay for the head of the Anglican Church. Article Here |
More EU HoopieNow they want to implement a european law that would make car drivers liable for accidents with bicyclists - even if the car driver did not cause the accident. Why? Because bicyclists 'suffer' more in an accident. I've been to Europe. The bicyclists there will run you down in a heartbeat. That car drivers will have to pay higher premiums to compensate bicyclists for accidents that cyclists cause is the sort of half-witted legislation we've come to expect. Britain is expected to protest and the rest of the EU will pressure them to comply so they are one big happy family. Approximately 2% of Brits use bikes. Article Here |
Woman branded a 'hippo' by internet date threatens to sueNicoleta Popescu is threatening legal action after a man she met through an internet dating agency described her as a "hippo". Gabriel Malinescu 33, from Bucharest, told the National newspaper: "I expected to see a blonde, blue-eyed, slim beauty in front of me. But what I got was a gigantic hippo. She told me she weighed eight stones but she was more like 18." Nicoleta, who's 29, says she's going to sue him for emotional distress. "He hurt my feelings and has caused me considerable anguish," she said. "He has obviously not heard the saying that beauty is on the inside." Article Here |
On Anti-Gun Propoganda -- It Turns Out Water Is 19 Times As Dangerous To A Child As A Gun"Guns and Violence" by Bentley College history professor Joyce Lee Malcolm brings new evidence that guns reduce violence. Did you know that water is 19 times more dangerous to a child than a firearm? In 1996, 805 children died from accidental drownings and 42 died from firearm accidents. (Gun control zealots inflate "child" firearm deaths by including teenage drug gang members killed in turf battles.) Bathtubs are twice as dangerous to children as guns. Fire is 18 times more dangerous to children than guns. Cars are 57 times more dangerous. Household cleaners and poisons are twice as dangerous. Article Here |