Quick HitsHow do you know graffiti is no longer edgey and cool? When they use it for advertising. Austrians are embarrassed about posters in Vienna showing Queen Elizabeth having sex with Bush and Chirac. So are we. I can understand Chirac. The French will have sex with anything. But Bush can do so much better. Take our poll to the left on the greatest gadgets of the last 50 years. I think some of the picks in the linked article are redundant. The Ipod isn't substantially different from the Sony Walkman and the Walkman sold 25 times as many. But that's what makes it good for discussion. Even George Bush likes Anna Nicole Smith now that she is no longer fat. Bush administration lawyers say they have to argue her side to protect federal court jurisdiction in disputes. So it's just a technical issue. Yeah, right. How about the 25 most interesting web cams of 2005? None of them are (a) me or (b) whatever else you are thinking. My favorite? The Anchorage, Alaska DMV webcam. Of course. |
Comments on ""
Graffiti may not be cool, but it's still cooler than Emo haircuts.