U.N. Proves Once Again That The US Is The Only Country In The World
U.N. Proves Once Again That The US Is The Only Country In The WorldIrrelevant northern Europeans cheered as once again the UN Nobel Committee issued a resounding slap to the Bush administration by lobbing a Nobel Peace Prize to pandering bureaucrats who used "diplomacy" rather than force to accomplish something with crazy dictators. Does the Nobel Peace Prize ever go to someone who isn't slapping the Bush administration, or at least to an incompetent US President like Jimmy Carter? Oh, wait. Mohamed ElBaradei and the International Atomic Energy Agency didn't actually accomplish anything by caving in to Iran or North Korea. But let's give them a prize for trying. Yeah, that makes sense. Clinton should have gotten one in 1994 when he let the North Koreans lie to the world last time. And giving one to pistol-wearing-at-the-UN Arafat sure brought more peace to the mid-east. If by peace you mean wave after wave of suicide bombing and claims of poisoned chewing gum that made Arab women promiscuous. Article Here OSLO, Norway - Mohamed ElBaradei and the International Atomic Energy Agency won the 2005 Nobel Peace Prize on Friday for their drive to curb the spread of atomic weapons by using diplomacy to resolve standoffs with Iran and North Korea over their nuclear programs. The Nobel Committee's decision lent support to negotiations and inspections, not military action, as the best way to handle volatile nations. It also was seen as a message to the Bush administration, which invaded Iraq after claiming U.N. efforts to eradicate Saddam Hussein's nuclear ambitions had failed and which opposed ElBaradei's appointment to another term. |
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