Homosexual Man Kills Old Woman Because He Disagrees With Her Morality -- Strangely, This Is Not Considered a Hate CrimeOf course, if she had killed him because she disagreed with his homosexuality, it would be a TV movie of the week and on the front page of newspapers. What's the difference? I'm not sure. 'Hate crime' was always a stupid concept anyway ... as if there is a 'love crime' that is okay. Authorities said Nicholas Gutierrez, 19, made a videotaped confession about the murder of Mary Stachowicz, 51, after her body was found in a crawl space beneath his apartment. He admitted that he became enraged during a conversation with Stachowicz because her questioning of his sexuality reminded him of debates with his mother. They had worked together in the funeral home in the same building as his apartment. Why isn't the gay community complaining about 'tolerance' here? Article Here |
Germans Surprised Their Socialist PM Raises Taxes, Make "Der Steuersong" ("The Tax Song") A Top Pop HitYes, on Monday Schroeder announced another new tax on equities and property sales -- which the conservative opposition called the 49th new tax since he was first elected in 1998 ... but this is Europe. They usually talk about taxes with pride. Yet the economy in Germany, with double digit unemployment in the best of times, thanks to Europe's laziest workers and best unemployment compensation, has gotten worse ... so of course taxes must go up again to keep the unemployed in the lifestyle to which they are accustomed and the government payroll bloated. Leave it to comedian Elmar Brandt ( comedian is another term for unemployed ), a 30-year-old German literature student ( unemployed ) who has made a career from impersonating Schroeder, has caught the mood of the country with his parody of "The Ketchup Song" by the Spanish dance trio "Las Ketchup," which was a huge hit across Europe and Latin America earlier this year. "Promises that were made yesterday can be broken today," sings Brandt in a voice identical to Schroeder's. "I'll raise your taxes, I'll empty your pockets, every one of you nerds stashes some cash away, but I'll find it no matter where it is." Article Here |
Top Kyoto Minister Has Two Gas-Guzzling SUVsWhat a surprise. You see, those rules only apply to the common people, not elite cabinet ministers. Canadian Minister Herb Dhaliwal has two of those big suckers ... but says he conserves in other ways. He has solar panels on his house, for example. Like me. A conservative. Yet those solar panels probably only heat his pool. For his jacuzzi he uses gas because solar hear works pretty badly. Article Here |
Berkeley Using Pre-School Anti-War ProtestersHow typical ... for a crew that throws out 'right wing fascist' every time someone disagrees with them, they've strangely adopted the tactics. Celia, age 6, who could not spell her hyphenated last name, told the crowd President Bush "wants to make war because he wants oil." "What is so important about cars anyway," she asked. Later, when asked if she could name the president of Iraq, Celia, stumped, turned to a friend and asked, "Is it a boy or a girl?" Her friend, equally puzzled, responded, "I think it?s a boy." Article Here |
Democratic Party Politician In Texas Turns Out To Be SpammerJust ask Chris Gore of Film Threat. He stood up to them after they hijacked his mailing list ( which I am on ) and sent spam to it. Welllll ... that made them crazy so he issued a public apology and a statement criticizing them. 50 spam emails in one evening later the war was on. So he has filed a lawsuit and in the course of his looking around at the couple behind the spam, he discovered that the Mrs. is a Dem politician in Texas. Go figure. Yayyy free speech! P.S. For the record, the man involved in this spamming says he is just an anonymous remailer and is not responsible for the content. Well, if why not hand out poison to babies, Mr. Bannon? Article Here |
Surest Sign The Apocalypse Is Coming -- Madonna Says ABC Has No MoralsBecause "Good Morning America" did a story on a mother, Lynn Stuckey, who breast feeds her 8 year old ... "People have no morals, I swear to God," the 44- year-old mother of two fumed in a radio interview on Monday. "The things that people do for ratings! It's unforgivable." Article Here |
Babs Streisand Goes Completely NutsNow she's speculating that Sen. Paul Wellstone ( D, MN) who died in a plane crash last month, was not in an 'accident.' Babs, maybe you should stick to your usual hypocrisy, urging us to conserve while you jet across the country on a gas-guzzling private jet. But no, she would rather spend time telling us we should hang our clothes outside while she has a 'domestic' do hers. "I was shocked but, knowing a bit about her, not surprised by her statement," a witness told The Post's Braden Keil. "She said there's more to this than meets the eye." Yes ... Wellstone, who was likely to lose and was already part of a Democratic 'get out the vote' scandal involving students bussed in from other states, was victim of a vast, right-wing conspiracy. Article Here |