California Says The Rich Should Pay More -- Unless It Comes To CA Federal TaxesThen California should receive its "fair share." That's right, California is actually insisting it get as much back in the way of federal money for medicare, medicaid, etc. as it pays in. What kind of thinking is that for a liberal society? California, number one in population, is complaining that it receives less money "per person" than Delaware, for example. Well, what does California expect? Costs are fixed, liberals always say, so poor people can't pay as much as rich people ... and I agree. But why does California say one thing when they're getting money ( mine, for instance ) and another thing when they're not? Article Here |
France Meets Kyoto Goals By Increasing Nuclear PowerThere's always room to take a cheap shot at France. 15 of the 19 European Kyoto signees are not meeting their Kyoto targets. How is that funny, you ask? Well, the only major nation meeting their target is France and they only did it by switching to more nuclear power, something American environmentalists would regard as a Very Bad Thing. Now France is worried that their nuke plants may be in for trouble. France never lets the most competent people do the work -- this is a country that requires 60% of all music played must be French, even though it's crap. So with 80 percent of France's electricity needs met by 19 nuclear power stations and 58 reactors, and temperatures rising, the French are left with one of two choices: Suffer blackouts or pour increasingly hot reactor water into their rivers. Ecological disaster or more riots? Your choice. I haven't been this excited about a boiled French critter since I saw "The Little Mermaid." Article Here |